
French Film Festival Brings Gerard Krawczyk Photo Exhibit to VisArts

March 30, 2017 News

French_Film_Festival_–_Special_Symposium_2017_-_2017-03-30_12.53.47The Visual Arts Center of Richmond is partnering with the French Film Festival to showcase the photo exhibit, “1 Image out of 140,000” at its 1812 W. Main Street location.

Nine photographs by Gerard Krawczyk have been mounted in the building. Viewers can listen to compositions by film music composers Armand Amar, Maïdi Roth and Pierre Oberkampf, each of whom composed three original pieces of music to accompany the nine still photos. Organizers are encouraging visitors to suggest film scenarios to match the frames and music and to publish their submissions on Gerard Krawczyk’s Facebook page.

The exhibit will be at VisArts through April 9 and will then travel to Binns of Williamsburg. It was previously at University of Richmond’s Queally Hall.