
Wheel Throwing Refresher (B)

Brush up on the basics! We'll review wheel throwing techniques and skills. Create and complete work during class, with enough time to fire and glaze. This class is open to students who have previously taken wheel throwing classes. We will review and refresh our knowledge of wedging, centering, throwing, trimming and glazing. We will take a look at various tools and how they can assist in throwing. We will also pay special attention to glazing techniques, including cone firing temperatures and how to get an excellent glaze application.

Special Notes

  • Classes are confirmed one week prior to the start date. In order to help us confirm classes, please register as early as possible.
    You will receive 25 pounds of clay; additional clay is available for purchase. 
    On-site courses do not come with studio access outside of class time. Paid open studio access is available through our Studio Access Program. Please visit for more information.
About the Instructor

Monika Bierschenk

Monika started taking ceramics classes at VisArts in 2019 and fell in love with the craft. Since then she has started a small batch ceramics company, Coneflower Clay, selling simplistic, functional ceramics ware locally. She just got back from an artist residency with El Sur in Mexico City. In her free time, she loves to bike and rock climb!

Instagram: @Coneflower.Clay

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Wheel Throwing Refresher (B)

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Class Details
September 12 - October 3112:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Day: Thu
Tuition: $305.00
Member Tuition: $274.50
Additional fees apply
Instructor: Monika Bierschenk
Level: Intermediate