The Shape of Water

Various Artists
November 13, 2024 – January 12, 2025

The Shape of Water

November 13th 2024 – January 12th 2025

The Visual Arts Center of Richmond and Crafting the Future present “The Shape of Water,” a group exhibition featuring artists who explore the embodiment of the human form, connection to land, and the act of leaving impressions—both conceptual and tangible. Through dynamic installations, two-dimensional work, and functional objects, each artist transforms materials such as textile, glass, and clay, infusing their work with notions of storytelling, memory, and modernity. The exhibition title draws inspiration from the idea that water retains information. Much like personal memories, water has the ability to hold onto impressions and experiences, aligning with the exhibition’s examination of the imprints we make and those we leave behind.

Curated by Jaynelle Hazard and Terrick Gutierrez.

Artist info coming soon.

Crafting the Future is a nonprofit, 501c(3) tax-exempt institution that works to increase access to creative enrichment by connecting BIPOC artists with opportunities that will help them thrive. Read more about them here.