
Mindful Expression in Painting

January 14, 2019

Delve deeper to discover your inner creative self. For painters of all levels, we’ll use meditative techniques to ground and center ourselves, quieting the analytical mind and opening up our creative potential. We’ll explore ways to use color and shapes that reflect your intuition and fluidity. You’ll walk away from the class feeling empowered, free […]

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Metal Clay Jewelry

January 14, 2019

Experiment with metal clay, a malleable, metal–bearing material that is perfectly suited for creating jewelry. Use your hands to shape it and a variety of tools to add detail and texture. You’ll fire the metal clay to transform it into a silver object. Add a new skill to your repertoire each week to add and […]

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Mixed-Media Ceramics

January 14, 2019

Take your hand-built or wheel-thrown ceramics practice to the next level by incorporating paper clay, metal, wood and found objects into your clay forms and pieces. Use your newly acquired skills to create table tops, large platters, sculptures and more.

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Political and Social Protest Writing

January 14, 2019

It has been said that ‘all writing is political.’ We’ll explore what this means by reading and reflecting on social protest writing in both poetry and prose. Participants will write their own thoughts and ideas to develop their personal voice and style.

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Poems, Prose, and Pictures

January 14, 2019

Explore the relationship between words and pictures in a collaborative setting. We’ll use visual images (some found, some created by you) to prompt new creative writing. You’ll create an evolving, book-like object.

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